Children in street situations
Elanor has specialised in working with children in street situations throughout her time working with ChildHope. She has provided technical support to partners working on a range of issues with children in street situations from street outreach work to working on projects aiming to support vulnerable children in poor communities who are at risk of ending up on the streets. She has been successful in writing numerous project proposals for work with children in street situations around the world. She has acted as an advisor to many other organisations developing projects in this area. Elanor has also been involved in writing extensively for a variety of fora on the causes of children being on the streets and the consequences for them. She has written a paper on child labourers and facilitated a story of a street-involved child in Brazil which was published by Ticktock Media.
Marie is currently providing occasional consultancy support to a UK-based NGO working with children in street situations in Africa, assisting with policy development, project proposals and evaluation methodologies. In 2006-2007 Marie spent 12 weeks acting as technical adviser for a project in Kyrgyzstan working with children in street situations. This involved project monitoring, technical advice, training / TOT of NGO and government personnel, policy input for government-level reform of child protection mechanisms and developing 3 training manuals on basic principles of working with children in street situations, prevention, outreach and family reunification. She worked for six years as Advocacy Officer and then Director of Advocacy & Child Protection for the Consortium for Street Children, a network of UK-based NGOs working with street-involved children internationally. She has represented children in street situations and child rights issues at a variety of policy fora within the UK government and UN human rights system as well as devising and implementing a number of international campaigns and projects. She has authored and edited a number of reports and publications on children in street situations ranging from UN advocacy submissions to teaching resources for UK schools.
Savina is currently working full time as the Overseas Programmes Director for Street Child Africa and is thus heavily engaged in all aspects of programme, policy and capacity building work on this issue. In 2007 for CREATE she worked extensively with a project for children in street situations in Kyrgyzstan, building on the work initiated by Marie for the same project. Savina wrote her dissertation (Executive Master in Children’s Rights) on the right to education of children in a street situation, looking more specifically at the preconditions needed for true empowerment. She has had a particular focus on the issue of children in street situations since her university days, working at all levels of intervention: as a street worker (Dynamo), at the INGO level, (Street Child Africa & Terre des hommes), at the international network level (Consortium for Street Children & Dynamo International) and UN level (UNESCO Programme for the Education of children in difficult circumstances & UNICEF CAR Child Protection Programme). She is particularly interested in collaborating on the development of national networks and action plans, street work and appropriate education and vocational programmes.