Child protection
Savina was trained on how to develop UK child protection policies and procedures and the role of the Child Protection Officer within organisations by Marie and Elanor in 2006. She is currently revising Street Child Africa's Child Protection Policy and is leading an initiative to take forward the development of such policies with the organisation's overseas partners. On a personal level, Savina supported a group of victims / survivors, sexually abused as children while in the care of an NGO, as they faced their abuser in court 10 years later.
Elanor co-wrote ChildHope’s Child Protection Toolkit with Marie. She has conducted training for a number of organisations using the toolkit in Kolkata, India and has also conducted child protection training with ChildHope staff and Trustees and the Big Lottery Fund in the UK. Elanor facilitated the development of ChildHope’s child protection policy and procedures and developed project proposals with organisations in Africa and Asia aiming to involve the development of child protection policies and procedures and advocacy on child protection issues. In October and November 2006 she conducted, alongside Marie, a series of short training courses on organisational child protection for ChildHope and CREATE. More recently she has conducted training for BOND (British Overseas NGOs for Development) and has been working on the ground with a local organisation in Ethiopia in 2009 to strengthen their capacity in relation to child protection issues.
Marie co-authored the ChildHope toolkit on organisational child protection with Elanor and they piloted it together in Kolkata, India in December 2004. Since then, Marie has conducted child protection training with NGO partners in Sierra Leone, Lebanon, Togo and the UK. Whilst at the Consortium for Street Children, she initiated, designed and implemented a comprehensive child protection policy for CSC secretariat and its network of 30+ NGO members. She was an active member of the steering group of the ‘Keeping Children Safe’ UK INGO initiative on child protection and had extensive input into the Keeping Children Safe resources. In October and November 2006 she conducted, alongside Elanor, a series of short training courses on organisational child protection for ChildHope and CREATE. In September 2007 she delivered a child protection strategy workshop for the Global Advocacy Team of Compassion International. Throughout 2007 she worked with Plan International to develop and deliver regional training / TOT / child protection strategy workshops for staff in Latin America, Asia and East and Southern Africa. She consolidated this work through the development of a global staff training / TOT manual for Plan International on how to implement child protection policies and procedures. She worked with UNICEF Pacific in 2008 and 2009 as Lead Researcher for a major project on child protection baseline research in 4 countries. This included managing teams and developing methodologies to conduct desk review and primary data collection, including through electronic data capture, in 20 – 35 locations per country, followed by data analysis and report writing. In May 2009 she prepared materials to support legislative and policy reform, communication and advocacy regarding child protection in relation to new technologies for Terre des hommes in Jordan.