CREATE is a dynamic consultancy group
in international child rights.
CREATE believes that
the only way to make child rights a reality worldwide is through
high quality, holistic and coordinated strategies which are
based on the experience of the child, shared knowledge and
Principles of child
protection underpin all of our work and we aim to work
in ways that are ethical
and respectful of the environment.
Since the establishment of CREATE in 2005, we have been working in Africa, Southern and Central Asia, Latin America, Europe, the Pacific and the Middle East for clients such as UNICEF, Terre des hommes, Plan International and Womankind Worldwide. We have provided technical assistance, research design and implementation, project evaluations, training and resource development on a range of topics: child rights education, child protection, child participation, child justice, children in street situations, children with disabilities and child trafficking.
CREATE is not a funding organisation and we regret that we are unable to respond to funding requests from individuals or organisations. |